August 2, 2009

Gone With The Hair !!

Today is just an informal but very important post. I have a son-in-law, a very dear friend and lots of patients I have taken care of over the years with Cancer.

I show my support by keeping myself and others educated on the things that cause Cancer and various forms of treatment available. This weekend I wanted to go one step further and really make people notice. I shaved my head.

In the last couple days people have asked me, Are you sick? Do you have Cancer? My answer is No, I don't but others do and it could happen to you.

I want people to take a closer look at themselves, others and the Planet. Look at what you put in, on and around your body. Make a change, take that first step and fight for your right to freedom. Freedom from Chemicals, Pesticides, Toxins, Pharmaceuticals, Herbicides, GMO Foods. Forced Vaccinations, Government Information that is only half TRUE, and the list goes on.
Still looking for the Perfect Organic Corona

Life is not happening to You. It's happening from You!- Andy Dooley

1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous. I think it's great that you are doing this.

    You are powerful!
